quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011
A place raped by god,
With no lambs in the horizon.
A place where children play in the street with two broken legs and only one lumb to breath.
A radioactive land build by man and condemned by itself.
A murdered population.
Corrupted bodies, corrupted souls.
A place that could have been the Everest of the world and turned deep darkness in it.
Tell me what could have been…
quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2011
Morning Glory
You're everywhere.
Inside a car, suddenly you appeared.
Turning around the corner,
Respectful as a Morning Glory,
Vanished from skies,
Living in a world garded by men.
A superticious race looking for perfection.
You represent every sacred things I know.
Faith. Hope. Love
As a foreigner in your own land
You teached me every sinful things I have learned to adore.
Atraction. Passion. Sex.
Inside a car, suddenly you appeared.
Turning around the corner,
Respectful as a Morning Glory,
Vanished from skies,
Living in a world garded by men.
A superticious race looking for perfection.
You represent every sacred things I know.
Faith. Hope. Love
As a foreigner in your own land
You teached me every sinful things I have learned to adore.
Atraction. Passion. Sex.
Entrego meu corpo, impuro e cansado a ti, oh mar!
Por te temer em vida, consome-me neste meu fim.
E esta alma vil e errante,
Deixa-a por aí.
Deita-a fora como sempre fizeram.
Como eu fiz.
Fá-lo num pequeno gesto para que não doa.
Sempre recusei a vida,
Sempre me senti culpada sem nunca ter cometido qualquer crime.
Entrego-te também sete lágrimas,
Uma rosa espinhosa,
Vinte e um sorrisos,
Dezanove anos de aprendizagem,
Dois dias de amargura,
Trezentos e sessenta e poucos dias de flagelo constante.
Cento e doze poemas e memórias escritas em papel.
Um retrato.
Deles não preciso depois de ser tua…
quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011
I believe that my Soul will be taken by Valkyrs.
Women full of pride,
With power to rule beyond the worlds.
They will come for me one day like they come for everyone.
When they decide that my time has come,
That your time has passed.
My Soul will travel across their Limbo.
A place called Valhalla.
I will face Odin and pay my sacrifice.
What an Irony?
A woman taking my Soul when another woman has taken my Heart.
Women are known by their weakness and their fragility.
Never by their power of control and their shrewdness.
They choose what Soul to take and what heart to destroy.
They can kill.
They think to much.
Women full of pride,
With power to rule beyond the worlds.
They will come for me one day like they come for everyone.
When they decide that my time has come,
That your time has passed.
My Soul will travel across their Limbo.
A place called Valhalla.
I will face Odin and pay my sacrifice.
What an Irony?
A woman taking my Soul when another woman has taken my Heart.
Women are known by their weakness and their fragility.
Never by their power of control and their shrewdness.
They choose what Soul to take and what heart to destroy.
They can kill.
They think to much.
sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011
Once upon a time I had everything.
I lost it because the fight was too hard for me.
I couldn’t stand on my feet.
I found myself alone in that place,
In that place with my biggest fear right next to me.
I trembled.
I didn’t face it but I was frightened.
My conscious was travelling across the river,
Reviewing all the memories,
All the places alike,
Every word she said,
Every rule she mentioned.
My mind was full of stuff,
Stupid vengeance thoughts that I have forgot.
I can’t say for sure what happened.
If she was too much for me or If I was too good for her.
Maybe It was a little of both.
Time has passed and the contact is almost dead.
What can I do?
Get my conscious from that river and start to react?
Even when my dreams tell not to?
I feel consciousness in everything that can touch my feelings and even my pride.
Because I am a proud woman.
I feel like I am a strange creature with membranes forbidden to love.
Incapable to be strong,
Strong enough to exist.
Try to do it is what keeps me alive.
I lost it because the fight was too hard for me.
I couldn’t stand on my feet.
I found myself alone in that place,
In that place with my biggest fear right next to me.
I trembled.
I didn’t face it but I was frightened.
My conscious was travelling across the river,
Reviewing all the memories,
All the places alike,
Every word she said,
Every rule she mentioned.
My mind was full of stuff,
Stupid vengeance thoughts that I have forgot.
I can’t say for sure what happened.
If she was too much for me or If I was too good for her.
Maybe It was a little of both.
Time has passed and the contact is almost dead.
What can I do?
Get my conscious from that river and start to react?
Even when my dreams tell not to?
I feel consciousness in everything that can touch my feelings and even my pride.
Because I am a proud woman.
I feel like I am a strange creature with membranes forbidden to love.
Incapable to be strong,
Strong enough to exist.
Try to do it is what keeps me alive.
segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011
Vou transformar-me. Mutar. Trazer a metamorfose á minha existência.
Vou desviar atenções, deslocar ideias, variar de expressões. Rir, chorar, amuar ficou fora de moda. Vou remover a consciência, a pena, o pudor, a incerteza, a compaixão, o altruísmo. Vou ser eu contra tudo. Vou substituir as minhas prioridades e alcançar uma mudança mais que perfeita. Ideal. Vou alterar-me, exaltar-me se necessário. Vou prescrever o meu caso e avançar.
Vou percorrer, procurar uma outra simplicidade. Remexer a Terra. Sondar pessoas. Pesquisar novos caminhos. Esgravatar até o mais ínfimo ser até encontrar a perfeição que se adequa.
Vou persistir de algum modo. Vou manter-me lúcida e escrever. Vou permanecer até que decida levantar-me deste consolo mísero que tenho.
Há sempre falhas, erupções momentâneas, desculpas caridosas,
Ilusões destruídas, julgamentos antecipados.
Pseudo-relações situadas num tempo inexacto e num lugar a decidir.
Entregas totais, almas corrompidas pelos prazeres ditos da vida,
Emoções entaladas por obrigações anteriores e karmas que teimam em ficar.
Comentários para o ar sem nunca dizerem aquilo que se quer ouvir,
Picardias constantes com um significado obsoleto.
Histórias e mentiras que revelam grandes potenciais,
Que esperam sempre por um capitulo final.
Planos, certezas que passam a pertencer a uma idade precária.
Lugares que sabem mal, que soam e ressoam,
Ruídos familiares e nome associados.
Medos reconhecidos á lei do gozo,
Fraquezas estabelecidas por defeitos próprios e sem reembolso.
Notificações que chegam por telefone,
Barulho, estrondo, destruição.
Máquinas devoradoras, humanos,
Insatisfeitos e esfomeados.
Gula. Inveja. Avareza.
Pecados que se vêem pelas ruas disfarçados de Channel e gravata ao pescoço.
Plantas trepadeiras que consomem o granito,
Tapam a claridade,
Transportam-nos para a penumbra.
Vaidade, certezas de tudo querer e nada conseguir.
Morais dadas sem fundamento, baseadas na pior das tramas.
Traição a longo prazo,
Desejos que sucumbem.
Vícios que se veneram como se veneram os Deuses,
Ditos imortais, até que o esquecimento lhes sugue a longevidade.
Presentes raros,
Que exigem originalidade para serem aceites.
Cidades em desenvolvimento,
Rotas pouco lineares com becos sem saída.
Escadarias cheias de verdade, história, abraçando o tempo.
Livros aos milhares, presos em estantes de carvalho mal tratadas.
Desrespeito, mutilações, perversidades.
Lei Marcial.
Amores escritos em papel, suposições, um Amo-te sem futuro,
Atracções fisicas.
Um Procura-se esquecido numa esquina qualquer.
Que comove a gente e move multidões.
Seres espirituais que procuram a perfeição.
Caminhada a sós de mão dada com a Fortuna.
Uma janela a abrir-se,
A casa vazia,
O temporal a criar o pânico.
Um lobo Alpha á solta,
Um lobo Omega abatido.
Um principio e um fim.
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